April 18, 2023

Cold Sales Email Templates That Made Our Clients $37.6M

The Best B2B Cold Sales Email Templates: Tips, Strategies & Best Practices

As a sales professional, you know that cold emailing can be a powerful tool to generate leads and grow your business. However, crafting the perfect cold email can be a daunting task. You want to grab your recipient's attention, pique their interest, and ultimately persuade them to take action. With so much riding on a single email, it's important to get it right.

That's where cold sales email templates come in. These templates are pre-written emails that you can customize to fit your business and your target audience. They provide a starting point for your outreach, saving you time and effort while still allowing you to craft a personalized message.

But with so many templates available online, how do you know which ones are the best? The truth is, the effectiveness of a cold email depends on a variety of factors, including your industry, your target audience, and your own unique selling proposition. However, there are some key elements that are common to successful cold emails, and by incorporating these into your template, you can increase your chances of getting a response.

In this blog post, we'll explore some of the best cold sales email templates out there, and discuss what makes them effective. Whether you're just starting out with cold emailing or looking to improve your existing strategy, these templates will provide you with inspiration and guidance as you work to grow your business.

Subject Lines For Cold Sales Email Templates: A Quick Note

The subject line of your cold sales email is the first impression your recipient will have of your message. It's the deciding factor in whether or not they open your email, and ultimately, whether or not they engage with your business. That's why it's crucial to craft a subject line that's both clickable and relevant to your audience.

Clickable subject lines are those that entice the recipient to open the email by sparking their curiosity, addressing their pain points, or offering them something of value. These subject lines are short, clear, and to the point, and they make the recipient feel like they'll be missing out if they don't open the email.

Here are a few subject lines we’ve used that have a proven 30% open rate or more: 

  • [first last name] suggested I contact you
  • [first last name] says you're interested in [service/product]
  • Hey [first name]
  • Your [content form] in [publication/website/podcast etc.]
  • Hey [first name], found you through [publication/website/podcast etc.]
  • [first name], about your recent post on [service/product/relevant topic]
  • Via [first name]

But it's not just about getting the recipient to open the email - it's also about building trust and rapport with your audience. Your subject line should accurately reflect the content of your email, and it should be personalized to your recipient as much as possible. By doing this, you're showing your recipient that you understand their needs and you're willing to go the extra mile to meet them.

High open rates are important because they directly impact the success of your cold sales email campaign. The more people who open your emails, the more potential leads you have, and the more opportunities you have to close deals. By using clickable subject lines that resonate with your audience, you can increase your open rates and improve the overall effectiveness of your cold email outreach.

4 Critical Factors Determining Your Cold Sales Email Success

When it comes to succeeding at cold sales emails, there are a few key factors to keep in mind. 

1. Strong Market Fit

First and foremost, your product or service needs to have a strong market fit. In other words, it needs to solve a problem or address a need that your target audience has. 

If you're reaching out to someone who has no interest or need for what you're offering, no amount of personalization or clever messaging will convince them to buy.

2. Personalization

Personalization is also crucial when it comes to cold sales emails. Your message should be tailored to your recipient as much as possible. This means doing your research and understanding their pain points, interests, and goals. 

When you personalize your message, you're showing your recipient that you've taken the time to understand their needs, and you're more likely to pique their interest.

3. Be short and direct

In addition to personalization, it's important to keep your message short and direct. 

People are bombarded with emails every day, so they don't have time to read long, rambling messages. 

Keep your message concise and get to the point quickly. This will make it easier for your recipient to understand what you're offering and why they should care.

4. Questions (in place of meetings)

Finally, consider using questions in place of meetings when reaching out to potential customers. 

Instead of asking for a meeting right away, ask a question that will engage your recipient and get them thinking about your product or service. This can be a great way to start a conversation and build a relationship with your prospect. 

By asking questions, you're showing that you're interested in their needs and you're willing to provide value before asking for anything in return. 

Overall, by keeping these factors in mind, you can improve your chances of success with cold sales emails.

Top Performing Cold Sales Email Templates (Value Add, Problem-Solution, Connection Requests & Referrals) 

While these cold sales email templates and sequences are proven top performers, it’s important to remember, master, and employ the aforementioned four critical factors (strong/relevant market fit, personalization, short and direct, and questions) for each outbound prospect. 

Cold Sales Email Template/Sequence #1 - The Value Add

Subject line: Suggestions for {Company}


I saw {something relevant about your company}. I have a suggestion for improving {metric A} and {metric B}.

We helped {client name} {do this thing better}, that led to {result}.

{Frictionless, value-driven call to action}?

Touch 2 (same thread): 

Mind if I email over those suggestions? Worst case, you can ignore them.

Touch 3 (new thread): 


To {improve this metric}, we {value proposition}.

Is that relevant at all to you right now?

Touch 4 (same thread): 

Here’s a case study on how we helped {similar company to you} do {x thing better}.

I’m certain we can replicate those results for you. Worth a 15-min chat?

This value add cold sales email template 4-touch sequence is powerfully effective for a few reasons. Firstly, it starts with a subject line that is relevant and attention-grabbing. By mentioning the recipient's company in the subject line, it shows that the email is not just another generic message, but one that is specifically tailored to them.

The email then leads with a value add proposition, offering a suggestion for improving metrics that the recipient cares about. By citing a specific example of a similar client who achieved results using the same suggestion, it shows that the sender has experience and expertise in the area, and can be trusted to deliver results.

The call to action is also frictionless and value-driven, meaning that it offers something of value to the recipient without asking for anything in return. This makes it more likely that the recipient will respond positively and engage with the sender.

The 4-touch sequence also includes a follow-up email, which is crucial for increasing the chances of a response. By sending a gentle reminder and offering additional value in the second email, it shows that the sender is persistent but not pushy.

Overall, this value add cold sales email template is effective because it leads with a value proposition, offers something of value to the recipient, and includes a gentle follow-up to increase the chances of a response. By following this template, sales professionals can increase their chances of success when reaching out to potential clients.

Cold Sales Email Template #2 - The Problem-Solution

Subject line: (two words, both under case) 

Saw {insert custom/personalized line/trigger}. I’m guessing {relevant transition to strong market fit line next}. 

Usually, we see clients {problem unique to prospect and ties to your USP}. 

Over the last {however many years}, we’ve helped our clients achieve {quantifiable metric/KPI}. 

Worth a convo?

This problem-solution cold sales email template is effective for a few reasons. Firstly, it starts with a subject line that is brief and attention-grabbing. By using personalized language and mentioning something relevant to the recipient, it shows that the email is specifically tailored to them and not just a generic mass email.

The email then quickly moves into identifying a problem that is unique to the prospect and ties to the sender's unique selling proposition (USP). This shows that the sender has taken the time to understand the recipient's needs and is offering a solution that is relevant and valuable to them.

By citing a specific example of how the sender has helped other clients achieve a quantifiable metric or key performance indicator (KPI), it shows that the sender has experience and expertise in the area, and can be trusted to deliver results.

The call to action at the end of the email is also straightforward and direct. By asking if it's worth having a conversation, it shows that the sender is respectful of the recipient's time and not pushy.

Overall, this problem-solution cold sales email template is effective because it quickly identifies a problem that is relevant to the recipient, ties it to the sender's USP, and offers a solution with a specific example of results achieved. By following this template, sales professionals can increase their chances of success when reaching out to potential clients.

Cold Sales Email Template #3 - The Connection Request

LinkedIn lead generation is powerful on its own — it can be even more so when coupled with cold sales emails. Here’s how we pair connection requests, LinkedIn content marketing, and cold sales emails for highly effective results. 

In order for this cold sales email approach to work, you’ll need to prep the following: 

1. Identify 5 questions your clients typically have about the problem you solve

2. Answer the questions as posts on LinkedIn. Include examples and screenshots when possible. 

3. Send the message below:

Howdy {first name}, after peepin’ your profile & being a {insert relevant job title}, I’d be honored to be a part of your network and share new perspectives for {insert relevant USP or industry niche} with you from time to time.  

Here’s a recent post, “The 7 Best Cold Outreach Scripts of All Time” https://www.linkedin.com/posts/nick-verity_weve-booked-153000-sales-calls-through-activity-7051920652110364672-2hw9\ (got over 900 comments). 

This LinkedIn connection request cold sales email template is a top performer of ours for a few reasons. 

Firstly, it starts with a quick personalized greeting that shows the sender has taken the time to look at their profile and understand their aligned background and interests.

The email then offers a value proposition, which is to share new perspectives related to the sender's unique selling proposition (USP) or industry niche with the recipient from time to time. By mentioning the USP or industry niche, it shows that the sender has done their research and understands the recipient's interests and needs.

By including a link to a recent post on LinkedIn that has received high engagement, it adds credibility to the sender and shows that they have expertise and thought leadership in the area. This can help to build trust with the recipient and increase the likelihood of them accepting the connection request.

Overall, this LinkedIn connection request cold sales email template is effective because it offers a clear value proposition, shows that the sender has done their research, and includes a link to a high-engagement post to build credibility. By following this cold sales email template, sales professionals can increase their chances of success when reaching out to potential connections on LinkedIn and furthering the convo via cold email.

Cold Sales Email Template #4 - The Referral

It goes without saying, but use this top performing template when you have a referral. 

Subject: {First Last Name} asked me to contact you

Hi {first},

{Referral’s first last name} suggested I get in touch with you regarding a new idea that might help you folks {insert relevant USP}.

We've helped companies like yours {insert quantifiable action} by {quantifiable metric/KPI} in {however many days}.

If you’d like, I can email you an overview so you can evaluate if a conversation makes sense. 


This referral cold sales email template performs well for a few reasons. Firstly, it starts with a subject line that is attention-grabbing and immediately establishes credibility. By mentioning the referral's name in the subject line, it shows that the sender has a connection to the recipient and is not just a stranger reaching out.

The email then quickly moves into the value proposition, which is to offer an idea that might help the recipient with their unique selling proposition (USP). By citing a specific example of how the sender has helped other companies achieve a quantifiable metric or key performance indicator (KPI), it shows that the sender has experience and expertise in the area, and can be trusted to deliver results.

By offering to email an overview for the recipient to evaluate, it shows that the sender is respectful of the recipient's time and not pushy. This gives the recipient the opportunity to review the information and decide if a conversation makes sense.

Overall, this referral cold sales email template is effective because it establishes credibility, offers a clear value proposition, and respects the recipient's time. By following this template, sales professionals can increase their chances of success when reaching out to potential clients through referrals.

Automating Cold Sales Email Marketing For Your Business

Leveraging proven cold sales email templates can be a game changer for your sales outreach. By using templates that have been tested and refined over time, you can increase your chances of success and save time and resources on crafting custom emails from scratch. 

Personalizing cold sales emails can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process, especially if you're reaching out to a large number of prospects. However, the benefits of personalization are clear - personalized emails are more likely to be opened, read, and acted upon than generic, one-size-fits-all messages. That's why it's important to find ways to streamline the personalization process without sacrificing the effectiveness of your outreach.

However, not everyone has the time or expertise to create effective cold sales email templates, which is where a service like Cleverly can be invaluable.

Cleverly is a cold email outreach agency that specializes in creating customized and effective cold sales email campaigns for businesses of all sizes. Their team of experts uses proven templates and data-driven strategies to create tailored outreach campaigns that are designed to drive results.

By leveraging Cleverly's services, you can benefit from their expertise and experience in creating effective cold sales email templates. Their team will work with you to understand your business and goals, and create a customized outreach campaign that is designed to meet your unique needs. 

Instead of spending hours researching your prospects and crafting custom emails from scratch, you can partner with Cleverly to strategize, craft and launch high-quality emails en masse in just a few days. This frees up your time to focus on other aspects of your sales strategy, such as follow-up emails or closing deals.

Whether you're looking to generate leads, book more meetings, or close more deals, Cleverly can help you achieve your goals through their customized cold sales email templates and outreach campaigns. So if you're ready to take your sales outreach to the next level, consider leveraging the proven cold sales email service offered by Cleverly.